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I Know You Are There!

Updated: May 24, 2023

I have had a few different experiences after losing my husband. First, let me start out by saying some of you may not be believers and that is perfectly fine but I am and I am explaining what has happened to me. So all that I ask is that if you don't believe cool but please do not post any negative comments on this post because that will not be tolerated and they will be deleted. My blog is to help, inspire and to keep the faith for those that are having issues in their own lives. So now that part is over, here we go!

I have had a few experiences where I did think it was Jeff communicating with me. If you listen to Matt Fraser (Medium) he is famous for saying there are "no coincidences" it is your loved one trying to communicate with you!! But this one really stood out to me.

It was April 14, 2020, only a few days before my birthday. I was laying on the couch in the afternoon when it felt like I had a touch on my right shoulder, it kind of felt like someone glided their hand or finger over my shoulder and my first thought was Jeff! I am in an RV and I seriously thought that someone put their hand through the window but they would have to have been standing on something to get up to it but of course, there was nobody there! It was kind of scary at first but after I jumped up and looked to see nobody there that is when I just smiled and thought, it was Jeff letting me know that YES, he was with me.

If you are going through a loss of anyone that you love I seriously recommend that you listen to Matt Fraser, you can find him on Facebook he takes the time to explain things to you and he even tries to explain how YOU can communicate with your loved ones on the other side

I have more experiences that I will post but I am leaving you with this one for now. If you have had any personal experiences, I would love to hear from you.

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